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Showing posts from January, 2020


Have you considered the Wolfsbane flower ?? And it's Terrible beauty, and it's Bewitching power to hold you in its thrall While it slowly kills you inside Without you knowing Have you considered the Wolfsbane flower? And it's God complex, and its messed up Messiah complex that holds you Captive but unchained within the Labyrinths of a broken heart Have you considered the Wolfsbane flower? And its silent dysfunctional relationship With the world around it, Slowing adding a sepia tone to old memories, To make the truth palatable Have you considered the wolfsbane flower? Have you considered love? -- Tz

Interrogation room

There, In Srinagar, In bylane behind a bylane, Surrounded by empty darkness  And plastered in sound-muffling mud Is an old workshop,  that was once a home Where they break little boys and old men to make them sing Miraculous little white lies  before sending them off To be sold in small bottles in the weekly bazar Next to silken wounds  woven in absurdities -- Our tangled, unkempt memories, Lie strewn around the floor like discarded histories of former lovers and a single, solitary question scribbled by broken fingernails across ugly walls, barely visible under hurriedly whitewashed walls, Am I dead yet? --